Light Tours of Tahoe, California + Nevada
Now in stock and shipping!
Mellow Backcountry Ski Routes to Minimize Avalanche Exposure.
A professional and detailed backcountry ski guidebook by Richard Bothwell for the iconic Tahoe area with 64 routes accessible to a wide range of skiers and riders.
FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $40. Digital guidebook coming soon!
Light Ski Tours of Tahoe, California + Nevada; Digital Guidebook (App)
Download your next adventure with Rakkup! Access the professionally written and reliable content of the Light Tours of Tahoe Ski Atlas in a user-friendly app with loads of features.
When you purchase this app from Beacon Guidebooks, you will receive an automatic email from Rakkup with simple instructions and links to install the app on your device and download the guidebook you have purchased.
No monthly membership! Just buy the zone/digital book you need.
Discover Quintessential Skiing @ Tahoe, California
Light Tours: A Mellower Way to Tour By Ashley Peterson “Tahoe is surely not one but many. As I curve around its heads and bays and look far out on its level sky fairly tinted and fading in pensive air, I am reminded of all the mountain lakes I ever knew, as if this were […]
Our Authors
Home The pros behind our brand Meet Our Authors The core of Beacon Guidebooks is this dedicated and talented group of professionals who pour their knowledge, experience and passion into creating high-quality guides for you. Josh Kling Silverton, Colorado Bio Josh Kling is an American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA) certified ski, alpine, and rock guide […]
Home Travel Smart. Ski Smart. Beacon Guidebooks Devoted to providing critical terrain and avalanche information to every backcountry skier and rider. Our products are tools to be used in the ski tour planning process as well as out in the field to ensure balanced and informed decision-making. Based in Gunnison, Colorado, founder and owner, Andy […]